What is Chiropractic?

Taking A Natural Systemic Approach To Healing

Chiropractic represents a unique way of looking at health and well-being, and the philosophy of this office is unique from the way many chiropractors practice. Our philosophy is that the true healer is within you. When your spine is realigned and all your cells are able to communicate freely throughout all your circulatory systems; vibrant health naturally starts to return. That is why correct posture, abdominal breathing and doing the spinal corrective exercises we recommend are so vital. But there is more.

To help patients bring their life into harmony with the higher dimensions of life, I employ the “Five Elements,” of wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This underlining theory of Chinese acupuncture is the most accurate diagnostic system the world has developed. I only employ the theory, not acupressure or needles.

As human beings, we exist much more than only the physical and mental dimensions. In the higher dimensions of feelings, attitudes, values, assumptions and beliefs our consciousness always exists in relationship to others and to all life. Each of our organs is actually a multidimensional energy system that functions like a highly esteemed cabinet member to our heart. We do not have a separate body and mind. We have a bodymind and our heart, not our brain, controls our consciousness when we are spiritually awake.

Any way that we are not in harmony with the natural functioning of our organ systems causes us to lapse into dis-ease. Over time dis-ease can evolve into disease. We are always either getter sicker or healthier. With right livelihood and practicing the seven habits that lead to health, many health problems clear up.

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9:20 am-5:00 pm


9:20 am-5:00 pm





